Numerous high-quality dehumidifiers for swimming pools and industrial processes are available, including portable, professional, and home models.
Numerous high-quality dehumidifiers for swimming pools and industrial processes are available, including portable, professional, and home models.
The FRAL FDHE402 dehumidifier was made specifically for drying clothes and cellars. The only machine in its application are that combines modern technology and great efficiency on the market.
A collection of products that can dehumidify any industrial setting. These products have a 50 lt/24h to 130 lt/24h capacity. Both version with temperature control and the low temperature version (below 0°) area available.
A range of products that can recognize the dehumidification requirements of every industrial setting. Many options, available in the conventional version with humidity and temperature control, ranging from 160 to 1000 lt/24h.
A selection of expert drying goods. They can operate accurately in temperatures between 10° and 40° and upto 20% relative humidity. There is an adjustable temperature control.
Air conditioners, dryers and dehumidifiers of infinite capacity. Strong machinery designed with customer needs in mind, capable of reaching temperatures of up to 65° and 20% relative humidity.